Picea neoveitchii

Picea neoveitchii is a species in the family (Pinaceae ). It is native to China.


Picea neoveitchii grows as evergreen tree that can reach the stature heights of up to 15 meters and diameter at breast height of up to 50 centimeters. The crown is broad - conical. The gray Schuppenborke flakes. The hairless bark of vigorous branches is initially light yellow and may have a slightly brown color. For the second year towards it turns gray to yellow gray and up to the third year of gray to dark gray.

The slight resinous violet- brown winter buds are spherical. The curved needles are linear square shaped with a length of 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters and a width of about 0.2 centimeters and have a diamond-shaped cross-section. Your tip is pointed. It is found on all sides of needle four to seven Stomatalinien.

Picea is neoveitchii monoecious - getrenntgeschlechtig ( monoecious ) and flowering time is in May. The pins are oblong-shaped with a length from 8 to 14 centimeters and a thickness of from 5 to 6.5 centimeters eifömrig - cylindrical. They are initially green and change color to mature from September to October through light brown to brown, rarely yellow-green. The seed scales are diamond-shaped to egg-shaped and are about 2.7 inches long and 2.7 to 3 inches wide. Their edges are serrated or nearly entire. The inverted egg-shaped seeds are 5-6 mm long and about 3.5 mm wide. They have a wing which is obovate shaped with a length of about 10 millimeters.

Distribution and location

The natural range of Picea neoveitchii located in China and consists of several geographically separate occurrence. It includes the located in the northeastern Shanxi Wutai Shan, southern Gansu, located in the southwestern Henan Neixiang District, western Hubei and southern Shaanxi and Sichuan.

Picea neoveitchii thrives at altitudes from 1300 to 2000 meters. On the southern slopes of the Qin Ling she grows mainly in montane coniferous forests. In addition, it also grows in river valleys or on dump sites.

Picea neoveitchii is classified as "endangered" in the IUCN Red List. It is noted, however, that a re-examination of risk is necessary. As the main threat basic habitat destruction caused by wood felling is called.


The wood of Picea neoveitchii is used as construction wood for furniture making, and for the production of poles and pulp.


(Picea ) the subgenus Picea, Picea section, the subsection Picea and the series is Asperatae Picea neoveitchii within the genus of spruce assigned.

The first description was in 1903 as Picea neoveitchii by Maxwell Tylden Masters in The Gardeners ' Chronicle, Series 3, Volume 33, pages 116-117.


  • Christopher J. Earle: Picea neoveitchii. In: The Gymnosperm Database. www.conifers.org, November 28, 2012, accessed on 23 June 2013 ( English).
  • Liguo Fu, Nan Li, Thomas S. Elias & Robert R. Mill: Pinaceae. Picea. In: Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan (eds.): Flora of China. Cycadaceae through Fagaceae. Volume 4, Science Press and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing and St. Louis in 1999, ISBN 0-915279-70-3, Picea neoveitchii, p.28 ( this printed work is the same text online, Picea neoveitchii - Online).