
Picnik was an online platform for image processing. Picnik was founded in Seattle, USA in 2005 and was there until recently its headquarters. With Picnik photos directly from Facebook, MySpace, Picasa Web Albums, Flickr, Yahoo Image Search and Google could be imported and edited. These images could be uploaded and edited from your own computer. Picnik was offered in 16 different languages, including German. Most tools in Picnik were free, with Picnik Premium, there were against paying a monthly fee expanded opportunities for image editing. There was also the chance to make free register, so you could save its processed images on Picnik.

On 1 March 2010, Picnik was bought by Google and set on 19 April 2012. The features of Picnik to be integrated into the image processing of Google . Customers who have paid within the last year for Picnik Premium to get their money back. In addition, all the premium features were available free of charge from the announcement of the shutdown until shutdown for everyone. Against the shutdown, there was an online petition. Picnik was involved with a reduced extent in the imagehoster Flickr as an image editing tool.
