Picture stone


The dating of the oldest Stones in the 5th century in 1979, backed by the archaeologist Karin Äijä that in the cemetery of Uddvide ( Barshaldershed ) in the parish Grötlingbo discovered a grave in which a limitation was incorporated in the processing of broken stone. This must be at least as old as the grave system and the objects it contains. The grave contained fibulae from the 5th century.


  • Type 1, 400-600 AD: high widened with slight convex upper edge and slightly curved inward sides, top ( axtförmig ), ornamental decorations. Motives are often surrounded by a vortex animals or multiple spirals.
  • Type 2, 500-700 AD: low and axtförmig with first image scenes. The so-called dwarf stones show next animal motifs ( Bildstein of Priediens ) also sailing ships.
  • Type 3, 700-1100 AD: high and richly decorated in runestone style. Characterized by a rounded head and a trapezoid- shaped hull. The individual motifs are executed in relief. Sailing ships and men on horses that are received by women with Trinkhörnen. Other motifs are the gods or heroes lore attributed.

Detail of Hammars

Detail of Hammars

Valknut; Detail of Hammars


The starting point of the Stones is not to be clarified. The native stone tradition and impulses from continental Europe could have played a role, but nothing speaks against a completely independent development, which took place on Gotland already in the ship settling. Among the Roman grave stones find parallels in Spain. Such also show individual Bildritzungen in Mälargebiet, especially the stone of Häggeby, ( U664 ) in Uppland, with the presentation of a rowing boat and a Hengsthatz.

In Central Europe, there is a single line parallel to the figural representation of the Stones. The rider stone of Hornhausen, in Saxony- Anhalt, which can be assigned by his animal ornament the early 7th century, is comparable to a probably simultaneous, uppländischen representation. Both are reminiscent of corresponding motifs on Gotland. Self- timely Pictish Stones of Scotland have Reiter images that are vaguely reminiscent of Gotland representations. Spätgotländische Stones have similarity with the many figures mainland sign-systems and the latest copies are even rune stones in the form of standing stones (G 135 of Sjonhem ). That art on Gotland picture stones not only standing, but also flourished on textile, show the tapestries of Överhogdal, in Härjedalen (Sweden ) with numerous figurative representations and in some ways even the carpet of the Oseberg ( Norway).

The presentations can be found on the stones of the grave boxes. The occurring from 6th to 12th century AD monuments disappear in the older form with the Christianization. These monuments were ( converted there presumably) on Gotland on pagan cemeteries and on the mainland also found in churches.

Stone export

1632 was the imperial antiquarian John Bureus three parts of a picture stone in the cemetery of Norrsunda in Uppland. He and the prehistorians M. Aschaneus recorded and published the stone, which then disappeared and was apparently used as a building material.

The stone has Gotland shape and the runes to make a statement about the origin. The damaged text reads in translation: " ... they brought this stone from Gotland. . . and ... after. .. His brother. He had this ... ". The stone has probably come as delivered hewn blank of Gotland and scratched in Uppland and provided with runes, as you can see the details of ornaments. At the base he had a width of about 70 cm erect, he had a height of 1.4 m.

The runic text reads in translation: . Asgot and ( Torsten erected this stone ) for her father Öste.

The Stone of Priediens was found near Grobin in Baltic Courland, dates from the 7th century and is the oldest export. The stones from Kurland, Öland and Uppland is probably exported to semi-finished products.

Other stones with motifs in Europe

In Europe, there is still another group of standing stones, whose image proportion primary symbols shows, but sometimes also lifts out from the realm of the symbolic realm, as they show about Scottish or Irish Cross Pillarsteine ​​. Furthermore, it is the Piktensteine ​​in Scotland.
