Pieces of Ice

Pieces of Ice is a song by Diana Ross from 1983, which was written by Marc Jordan and John Capek and produced by Gary Katz. It appeared on the album Ross.


The title was released in 1983 on their album Ross. It was her only chart hit from this album. In the United States the song reached # 31 in the UK ranked 46th In Germany the song reached number 39

The title appeared on none of Ross' numerous compilations.

On the B - side to the title Pieces of Ice Still in Love is included. Musically Pieces of Ice is a R & B and rock song. The piece has a length of 7:19 min.

Music Video

For the music video Bob Giraldi directed the film, which had already made ​​several music videos with Diana Ross. In the music video Diana Ross performs the song before in a red bodysuit and showing some dance choreographies. It was the first music video in which vorführte Ross choreographies.
