Pied Kingfisher

Pied Kingfisher ( Ceryle rudis )

The Pied Kingfisher ( Ceryle rudis ) is a kingfisher, which is found in Africa along the Nile and south of the Sahara, and southern Asia from Turkey to the People's Republic of China. He is a sedentary bird, so will not peel off in the winter.

It feeds mainly on fish, but also eats crustaceans and aquatic insects. Apart from the usual hunting technique, on a branch to lurk on the prey, the Pied Kingfisher can search the Rüttelflug above the water after fish. He must also not return to devour the prey to a branch, this succeeds him during the flight. This adjustment makes him even possible to hunt over the sea.

The Pied Kingfisher is 25 cm long, has a black and white plumage. At the top is a shaggy partially imputed hair. Unlike most kingfisher he is gregarious, forming large flocks in the evening. This bird can be easily tamed.

The nest is a fish with scales and bones lined cavity in a sand bank, located individually or in a colony. The clutch consists of 3-6 white eggs.
