Piedmontese (cattle)

The Piedmontese beef is a breed of cattle house, which occurs mainly in Piedmont.

The Piedmontese beef is white - yellowish, mottled with gray and dark pigmentation of the horns tips, eyes, ears, tail tuft and Flotzmauls. It is related to the zebu, which is reflected in the skull structure and especially in the thoracic vertebrae area where the end of the spinous process is split as in the Zebu in contrast to all other European cattle breeds. The genetic Well, this ancient breed tauroindischen has remained unchanged through the millennia of isolation in the Piedmontese Alps Mountains.

Bulls reach a height at the withers of 132 cm to 140 cm and a weight of 600 to 800 kg. The withers of the cows is 127-130 cm and weight is 450 kg to 500 kg.

By the feature of Doppellendigkeit - the carcass has at the expense of bone percentage and fat support a higher proportion of valuable parts of battle - is the Piedmontese cattle breed particularly looking for meat production. This property is, however, associated with a high center birth.

The population of the Piedmont cattle in 2008 was approximately 236 150 animals.
