Pierre de Jarric

Pierre Du Jarric ( born March 2, 1566 Toulouse, † 1617 in Saintes ) was a French Jesuit, philosopher, theologian and historian. He worked in Toulouse and Bordeaux.

You Jarric occurred on December 8, 1582 the Society of Jesus and taught for many years philosophy and moral theology in Bordeaux. Although he wanted to belong to the missionaries him his wish was not fulfilled. Instead, he devoted himself to the task of writing on their behalf. The result was the Histoire des choses plus memorables advenues tant Indes orientales ez que autres païs de la descouverte of Portugois, which appeared in three parts: the first appeared in 1608, the second in 1610 and third in 1614.

You Jarrics work provides a comprehensive overview of the missionary enterprises of the Jesuits until 1610, mainly in the Portuguese sphere of interest. It contains a lot of valuable information on colonial history, geography and ethnography, the Spanish and Portuguese reports are taken and from the works of Father Luis de Guzman ( Historia de las Misiones que han hecho los & Religious de la Compañía de Jesús, Alcala 1601) and Father Ferdinand Guerreiro ( Relaçam Annal the Cousas que os Padres da Companhia fizeram de Jesus na e Japão India, Brazil, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné ). By the second part of King Louis XIII. dedicated, you Jarric hoped to encourage the French king to imitate the Spanish and Portuguese colonization efforts. His work has been frequently reprinted and was widely used, especially after it had been translated by Martino Martinez III around 1615 into Latin. You Jarric died two years later in Saintes.

For an account of the Jesuit missions to the court of the Indian Mughal emperor Akbar under the title " Akbar and the Jesuits " ( Akbar and the Jesuits ) delivers the British historian Charles H. Payne, in which he, the historical work you a goal Jarrics and translated in part into English. In addition to the work of Vincent A. Smith can be reconstructed from this compilation of letters that have arrived from the east Jesuit one of the most important portraits of this mighty ruler.

His French translation of the work, the paradise of the soul of Albertus Magnus (Le Paradis de l' âme ou Traite des Vertus composé en latin par Albert le Grand) appeared in 1616 in Bordeaux.


  • Histoire des choses plus memorable advenes tant Indes Orientales ez [ ... ]. Bordeaux 1608-1614
  • (Father Pierre Du Jarric, SJ): Akbar and the Jesuits: an account of the Jesuit missions to the court of Akbar. Transl. with introd. and notes by C. H. Payne. London: Routledge, 1926 ( The Broadway Travellers )