Pietro Gnocchi

Pietro Gnocchi ( born February 27, 1689 Alfianello at Brescia, † December 9, 1775 ) was an Italian composer, geographer and historian of the Baroque and early Classical.


Pietro Gnocchi, who came from a wealthy family, received his musical training probably in Venice. After the death of a younger brother, he traveled extensively through Europe, which led him to Vienna, Hungary, Bohemia, Saxony and Munich. 1723 he became Kapellmeister at the Cathedral of Brescia and in 1733 organist. After that, he was a music teacher at an orphanage, the " Orfanelle della Pietà ", and at age 76 he applied again to a conductor and organist at the Cathedral of Brescia, which he held until his death at the age of 86 years.

Works (selection)


His musical creations include mainly sacred music, but also secular vocal music and some instrumental works. Only 12 pieces a comprehensive opus, The Salmi Brevi were printed. His preserved in manuscripts work includes:

  • 60 trade fairs for 4 to 8 voices, some with instrumental accompaniment
  • 6 Requiems for 2 to 4 votes
  • 6 collections Vespers for a complete church year '
  • 12 four-part Magnificat
  • 6 Miserere for 4 to 8 votes
  • Motets, hymns and other liturgical music.

In addition to the sacred music, some instrumental works are known.

  • 8 Canzonette scherzose,
  • A Concert for seven strings and B.C.
  • 3 Trio Sonatas

Stylistically his music Venetian trains. He used the Doppelchörigkeit in a homophonic texture, a style that originated from the Venetian school of the early Baroque.


In addition to his work as a musician gnocchi was the author of a 25 -volume story about ancient Greek colonies and wrote a treatise on the memorial plaques in the Brescia region. Both works devoted gnocchi Prince Faustino Lehi, a later friend and patron.
