Pietro Gonzaga

Pietro di Gottardo Gonzaga ( born March 25, 1751 Longarone, Veneto, .. † 25 Julijul / August 6 1831greg in Saint Petersburg ) was an Italian painter and stage designer, the La Scala in Milan and later worked in Russia. Prince Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov gave him an invitation to the Russian court. His theoretical considerations in the work of Musique pour les yeux et l' optique théâtrale resigned.


  • La Musique pour les yeux et l' optique théâtrale - opuscules Tires d'un plus grand ouvrage sur le sens commun par Sire Thomas Witth. Traduit de N. Al. , Saint- Pétersbourg, Imprimerie Nationale, seconde édition, 1807.