
The Pinacoderm ( Gr. " pinax " = panel, " derma = skin") is the outer covering of the sponges ( Porifera ). It is made up of two cell layers of flat, mostly unbewimperten pinacocytes. You can solve each other and form new bonds with other cells. In Pinacoderm are the ostia, small pores that serve the water absorption and the water via a channel system in the central cavity ( Gastralraum, also Spongocoel ) lead the sponges. The ostia are surrounded by ring-shaped cells that can contract. The pinacozytes will also accept food. Sponges are Parazoa, therefore, represents the Pinacoderm no epithelium ( tissue ) dar.


  • Volker Storch, Ulrich Welsch: Systematic Zoology. S. 37, Fischer, 1997, ISBN 3-437-25160-0
  • Dictionary of Biology. Volume 6 p 403 Publisher Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1985, ISBN 3-451-19646-8