Pinyin language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Benue - Congo Bantoide languages Südbantoie languages Grassland languages east Ngemba


The Pinyin is a bantoide language that is spoken by a total of about 27,000 people in the Northwest region of Cameroon.


Sequences are:

All nouns and Verblaute begin with a consonant; initial vowels are necessarily prefixes. Only / a, ɨ / occur in a prefix or at the beginning of words, and only / ə / occurs in suffixes. / ɨ, y / do not occur at the end of words.

All known long vowels can medially or at the end of words occur, not at the beginning, although long / ɛ, y / are not attested. Long vowels are written twice: aa, əə, ii, ‿ ɨɨ, oo, uu. Diphthong ie, iə, ʉə, ɨə, uə contain a single sound.

Tones are high, middle, low, rising or falling. They are written as in the IPA, apart from deep, which are not written: á â â a ǎ. Falling tones are mostly konfiniert to suffixes, and rising tones are rare and are located in a few nouns such as tǎ - 'Father'.


  • The Pinyin spelling dictionary ( Njeck Mathaus Mbah & Stephen C. Anderson, 2005)
  • Map of the Pinyin language from the LL- Map project
  • Information about the Pinyin language of the multi- tree project
  • Prairie languages
  • Single language