Pinyon pine

The pinyon pines (English Piñon Pines Pinyon Pines or ) are an established in terms of plant community species group open and short pine species of the North American semi-deserts.

The group consists of the following four ways:

  • Mexican pinyon pine ( Pinus cembroides Zucc. )
  • Colorado pinyon pine ( Pinus edulis Engelmann )
  • Leaved pine nut or pine ( Pinus monophylla Torr. & Frem. )
  • Pinus quadrifolia

Along with various juniper species, they form loose bushes, the shrub - grasslands of Juniper Piñon on slopes. They are widespread in the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. The seeds are edible and were collected from the various Indian tribes. The wood is used by the Navajo ( Diné ) to build their traditional round houses ( Hogan ).


  • Pines
  • Tree