Piqan County

The circle Piqan ( Shanshan鄯善县; Pinyin: Shanshan Xiàn; Uighur: پىچان ناھىيىسى / PIĆAN Nahiyisi ) is a county of the district of Turfan ( officially: Turpan ) Xinjiang Autonomous Uighur in the center of the area to the west of the People's Republic of China. It has an area of 39,548 km ² and has 210,000 inhabitants ( 2004). Its main town is the large village Shanshan (鄯善 镇).

The Yanghai Tombs ( Yanghai Muqun洋 海 墓群) and the cave temples of Toyuq ( Toyokuni ) ( Tuyugou Shiku吐峪沟 石窟) are on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China since 2006.

Administrative Divisions

At the community level, the circuit is composed of five large municipalities and five municipalities ( a nationality community) together. These are (Pinyin / chin. ):

  • Greater community Shanshan鄯善 镇
  • Greater community Qiketai七 克 台 镇
  • Greater community Lianmuqin连 木 沁 镇
  • Greater community Lukeqin鲁克 沁 镇
  • Greater community Shanshan Huochezhan鄯善 火车站 镇
  • Community Dalangkan达朗坎 乡
  • Community Bizhan辟 展 乡
  • Community Tuyugou吐峪沟 乡
  • Community Dikan迪坎 乡
  • Community Dongbazha Hui东 巴扎 回族 乡