
Pirarajá on the map of Uruguay

Pirarajá is a village in Uruguay.


It is located in the northern part of the department of Lavalleja in the ninth sector. About 15 kilometers north-east is the village of Poblado Aramendia. In the immediate vicinity Pirarajás flows in the north of the Arroyo bzw.Osten Pirarajá to its mouth in a few kilometers south of the settlement extending Río Cebollatí. The area west of the village located is referred to as Cuchilla de los Correa. There are Pirarajás northwest of Cerro Feo and the Cerro del Diamante.


Pirarajá was founded in December 1895 by Luis Caselli and Diego Alfonsín. Originally the site led to the names of Santa María. In 1906, however, decided upon by law name change to the currently valid name took place. Pirarajá is derived from the Guaraní word. On December 22, 1906 Pirarajá was explained by the Ley 3,136 for Pueblo.


At Montevideo Pirarajá is connected via the line passing through the place Ruta 8, which here has its kilometer point 217. Main economic activities of the village are livestock and forestry.


The population Pirarajás is 713 (as of 2011), of which 373 male and 340 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
