Piscinas de Marés

The Piscinas de marés have a pool on the beach of the Portuguese community ( Freguesia ) Leca da Palmeira. It was built in the years 1961 to 1966 after plans by the local architect Álvaro Siza Vieira.


Above the terrace, conceived as a landscaped pool complex is the Boa Nova Tea House. The complex has two pools, a café, laundry, toilets and changing rooms and technical equipment for monitoring water quality.

The archaic brutalist concrete structure shaped like a sculpture seamlessly embedded in the rocky landscape, pools, which make it possible in the waters of the Atlantic and still protected to bathe before the typical here pounding surf. It is wonderful to see how repeatedly spill bigger waves in the basin and the otherwise quiet, warmed water to stimulate a little, and so the artificial Bad return a poetic touch of nature.

The unusual homogeneity of building and landscape Siza Vieira emphasized by the materials: The concrete consists of a very granular cement, which the crushed rock of the coast is added. This creates an amazing effect of the embedding of the flat building in the jagged rocks.
