Pitiquito Municipality

30.677111111111 - 112.05489166667Koordinaten: 30 ° 41 'N, 112 ° 3' W

Pitiquito is a comune ( municipality ) in the Mexican state of Sonora. The municipality has 9468 inhabitants ( 2010 census, INEGI ) to 11979.96 km ². It is located in the northwest of Sonora and is bordered to the northwest by the altar, to the south Hermosillo, on the southeast by Carbó, to the east and to the west Trincheras Caborca ​​. Administrative seat and largest town of the municipality of the same name Pitiquito located in the north of the church, the nearest larger towns are Puerto Libertad and El Desemboque.


Before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors lived Indian tribes in the valleys of the rivers Altar and Magdalena, the tributaries of Asuncion. Pitiquito was originally a mission that was founded by the Jesuit Father Eusebio Francisco Kino named " Señor de Pitiquin ". Pitiquito has been given the status of a municipality in 1914.
