Pityriasis rosea

The Röschenflechte (Latin: Pityriasis rosea Gibert, or also called dandruff camara) is a non-contagious skin disease that takes 6 to 8 weeks in most cases, in some cases even up to half a year. It occurs mostly in children and young adults between 10 and 35 years of age, especially in spring and autumn. At the beginning of creating a primary red medallion (called plaque mère, primary stain or Herald Patch), from which spread smaller herd. After the disease this will completely heal.


The causes of this disease are unknown. Since it is harmless and is more of a cosmetic problem for the patient, even little research has been done on this so far. But it is believed that it is a viral infection which is a human herpes virus, HHV-6 may be (B) occurring on either skin or HHV -7, induced. Evidence exists for this hypothesis no. The disease often occurs in combination with allergies and stress.

It is not excluded that the outbreak of the disease is at least partly genetic, as it often occurs in people who are predisposed allergic.


First, the reddish, about an inch wide, so-called primary locket (also primary stain, plaque or mère Herald Patch) forms of the trunk; but it was already observed on the inside of the forearm, on the back, on the abdomen, thighs or at the hairline. Primary medallion increases to diameter of up to several centimeters. In addition, it develops a reddish, marginal scales Krause (so-called Collerette -like desquamation ). The flaking is directed inward, making the scaling can be easily overlooked. After about one to two weeks spread further over the flock of body, more intense in women than in men and rarely in the face. The outgoing of the spots itch is little to strong, depending on the stage of the disease increases, however much under the influence of heat. The general health condition of the patient is usually not affected.

Pityriasis rosea irritata represents the irritated form, for example, caused by too frequent washing: Here you will find a stronger red and itchy manifestation of the above lesions.


Treatment is not usually necessary, the disease will disappear by itself, it is recommended to avoid skin irritation. Fitting clothing should not be worn, not showered too long or sweaty sports are practiced. The skin should not be too dry. Furthermore, treatment with oil baths is possible, as can moderate sun exposure lead to alleviation or disappearance. Sunburn should be avoided in any case. In severe itching an antihistamine can be taken. Easy cortisone ointments can accelerate the healing process.

Differential Diagnosis

In typical form, the diagnosis solely on clinical picture is to make clear. However, the disease is a great variety of forms, so that in atypical expression of a number of other skin diseases in the differential diagnosis may be considered, including eczema disorders. It is characteristic of the disease that the herd run in the skin tension lines, what sets them apart from the psoriasis. It is similar in appearance also various fungal diseases, a drug rash of pityriasis versicolor and. In addition, the Röschenflechte of syphilis in the second stage is very similar.
