Piz Zupò

Piz Zupò (center right) with Piz Argient (left) from the south

The Piz Zupò is at an altitude of 3'996 m above sea level. M. the second highest ( after the neighboring Piz Bernina ) peaks of the Bernina group and the Eastern Alps. The border summit between Switzerland and Italy, is located south of the Upper Engadin Piz Argient between the west and Bella Vista in the Northeast. Its name comes from the Romansh idiom turkey, meaning " hidden Summit" - in the north it is hidden by the Bella Vista, so that it is visible only at close range. The ascent via the normal route is done in a simple climbing from Fuorcla dal Zupò ( 3,846 m) on the southwest. Also, exceeding the peak of the Piz Argient over to the Bella Vista or vice versa is possible. The Piz Zupò is considered the highest three peaks in the Alps. From Pontresina from the Piz Zupò was climbed on July 9, 1863 the Morteratschgletscher first time. To successfully roped belonged L. Enderlin, the minister Otto Serardy and a hunter named Padrutt. At the summit, they left behind a piece of paper with her ​​name on a plate.

