Place du Tertre

The Place du Tertre (Eng. place of the mound ) is one of the most famous sights of Paris. It is situated in 130 m height in the 18th arrondissement located about 200 meters west of the Sacré -Coeur and is considered the heart of the Montmartre district.

The buildings of the square, drawn mostly from the 18th century. Go to the top of the 20th century lived there many painters such as Pablo Picasso and Maurice Utrillo; the area of the square was considered the center of modern art.

Today in the square are numerous stands of cartoonists and painters who are primarily focused on the tourists as customers. The condition for the opening of an object is the possession of a license, which should be preserved as a highly sought after and difficult. In the ground floors of the surrounding houses, there are small cafes and restaurants.
