Playa Girón

22.066666666667 - 81.031944444444Koordinaten: 22 ° 4 ' N, 81 ° 2' W

Playa Girón is a small town on the south coast of Cuba in the Bay of Pigs.

Near Playa Girón landed in April 1961 during their invasion of the Bay of Pigs equipped by the U.S. and supported Cuban exiles. Some equipment and comprehensive information on the battle are exhibited in the Museum Playa Girón. Playa Girón has a small aircraft landing strip.


The Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez wrote a song named Playa Girón, dedicated to the fishermen of a boat of the same name from 1969 to 1970. It appeared on his album Días y Flores 1975. His title Preludio Girón deals with the invasion of the Bay of Pigs.

  • Location in Cuba
  • Matanzas Province