Ploughmen's Front

The front of the tiller (or: tiller front, Romanian: Frontul Plugarilor ) was a left-wing peasant party or political organization of the tiller in Romania, founded in 1933, Deva and led by Petru Groza.


The hazards arising from Hunedoara county organization spread first to the Banat, and in the subsequent period in the rest of Romania. Groza, ex-Minister (1926 ) from the Cabinet Alexandru Averescus, aimed to improve the situation of the rural population. He urged a program for social security and called for a tax reform that favored the small rural households.

1935 did the collaboration with the banned Communist Party of Romania. The corresponding agreement was signed in Tebea. From the Communist point of view corresponded to this merger of the Stalinist Popular Front Doctrine.

Until the ban on all political parties in 1938, the "front of the tiller ," but never received more than 0.30 % of the votes. Under Ion Antonescu, the party remained in the underground and only came back in 1944 after the overthrow of the regime out.

In October 1944, the "front of the tiller " member was dominated by the Romanian Communist Party National Democratic Front (FND ), together with the " Union of Patriots ", the "Union of Hungarian Workers ", the " Socialist Peasants' Party " and the Romanian Social Democratic party. In February 1945, the " front of the tiller " was, although represented in the Cabinet Nicolae Rădescu, the failure of the general government.

Groza led the third Cabinet after the overthrow of Antonescu, which was formed on March 6, 1945. Although this cabinet was dominated by PCR, the "front of the tiller " also received the Ministry of Agriculture and Royal goods, under the leadership of Romulus Zăroni.

In the national elections of 1946, the " front of the tiller " with the Communists formed a joint election platform. The government Groza was confirmed in this election, however, obvious. Massive vote-rigging In the period following the "front of the tiller " together with the Communists was actively involved in the formation of the communist Romania. The party had demanded at their party congress from July 1945 to protect the small agricultural farms, they now wore with the propagated by the Communist collectivization of agriculture in Romania.

In 1953, the "front of the tiller " dissolved.



  • Victor Frunză: Istoria în România stalinismului, Humanitas, Bucharest, 1990
  • Keith Hitchins: România, 1866-1947, Humanitas, Bucharest, 1998 ( translation of the original English-language: Romania, 1866-1947, Oxford University Press, USA, 1994)
  • Vladimir Tismaneanu: Stalinism for All Seasons: A Political History of Romanian Communism, University of California Press, 2003, ISBN 0-52-023747-1