Plumbago europaea

European Plumbago ( Plumbago europaea), flowers

The European Plumbago ( Plumbago europaea ) is a species of the genus Plumbago ( Plumbago ).


The perennial plant is a 30 to 100 cm high, 50 cm wide shrub. On most upright, occasionally inclined stem with its alternate, lanceolate, rough foliage leaves sit July to October hermaphrodite, pink to purple, occasionally white flowers, nearly 1 cm long.

The root is simple, long, white, strong -smelling, thick branches a finger thick and in older plants.


This species is native to Southern Europe, Southeast Europe and the Caucasus and hardy only conditionally. It prefers full sun locations on light, dry soils, such as roadsides or dry rock.


The European Bleiwurz propagated by seeds.


Chewing the root is to help toothache, the rubbing with a tincture of it against skin conditions such as rash or itch after Samuel Hahnemann.


European Plumbago ( Plumbago europaea), inflorescence
