Political ethics

Political Ethics analyzed and reflected the moral side of politics, which under ethics that philosophical sub-discipline (see also philosophy) to understand is that methodically and systematically deals with the moral good and the lived ethos. First, the ethos / morale is there, thinking about it, so ethics. Thinking people so make sure of the reasons for their actions, especially in politics. This is not a politicized ethics, a politics ministering ethics, but about the question of whether and how to establish ( attitudes, behavior dispositions ) ( principles ), norms (laws and regulations ) as well as virtues in the political ethical principles.

On the part of an idealistic ethics there is a danger that political demands are brought that fail to reality.

Political judgments are therefore no apodictic judgments about true and false, good and evil, but situational, comparative ( comparative ) judgments about better and more appropriate means to deal with political issues.

Is headed the political ethics of objectives such as peace, freedom, justice, being subjected in practice diverse interests of the individuals involved, the common good and the real situation of common sense.

Currently, the demand is made to provide the Political ethics policies ethics aside. Ethics policy, the policy philosopher [ Jürgen Manemann ], sees itself as an activating ethics, who wants that which they reflect, support and promote.
