Polymorphous light eruption

The Polymorphic Light Eruption, also incorrectly referred sun allergy or allergy to light is a photodermatosis. Photodermatoses dermatoses are caused by the action of light.

The cause and origin of the polymorphs light eruption is unknown.


The disease usually occurs in the spring or early summer after the first exposure to the sun. With renewed sun exposure, the spurts over the summer are usually weaker.

The lesions occur mainly on the outer sides of the upper arms, the neck and the face. The skin appearance may have the most varied form (eg, redness, blisters, nodules, oozing skin defects, skin thickening ). But they are usually limited to a person on one of these forms. Always is a strong itching present.


An affected in advance of skin is irradiated several times with UVA light. You may occurr as typical of the patients skin lesions. However, can no skin changes were observed, then exclude polymorphic light eruption.


The Polymorphic Light Eruption is predominantly caused by UV -A radiation. As window glass or thin clothes while substantially shielding the UV-B radiation, however, not UV-A radiation, which can also occur in photodermatosis Polymorhphe sun exposure behind glass or under clothing.

Preventive effect are sun avoidance and sun protection. The avoidance of tanning beds, wearing tightly woven clothing, sunscreen against UV - B and UV -A radiation with a high SPF (at least 30 LF ), and UV-opaque film on the windows are helpful.

Light habituation by phototherapy may be helpful.


We used, if necessary, cortisone drugs for application to the altered skin areas. Antihistamines may relieve the itching.
