Pontifical Theological Faculty Teresianum

The Pontifical Teresianum ( Pontificia Facoltà Teológica Teresianum ) is an ecclesiastical college of pontifical right in Piazza San Pancrazio in Rome.

She is the international theological faculty of the Order of the Discalced Carmelites (OCD ) and was founded on July 16, 1935 In 1963, the papal approval was granted. Chancellor is Saverio Cannistrà OCD; President Joseph Varghese Maliakkal OCD.

The university teaches at the Theological Faculty in addition to theology, among other theological anthropology and Christian anthropology. The Institute of Spirituality deals primarily with spiritual theology and the theology of the spiritual life.

The "International Institute for Theology of pastoral health care Camillianum " the Kamillaner was approved by the Holy See on 28 April 1987, subject to the Teresianum.

Known graduates

  • José Sánchez de Murillo, philosopher and poet
  • Milan Sásik CM, head of the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine
  • Adeodato Giovanni Piazza OCD, Archbishop and Patriarch of Venice