Poor Pussy

Poor black cat is a game for children of about five years. It should preferably be played in groups of 10 people.

All players sit in a circle. At the beginning of the game a player is selected, which is the hangover. This crawls on all fours to a person and maunzt this on to select it. The task of the chosen ones is pretty simple: It just needs the cat to stroke (cheek, head or back) and three times clearly "Poor black cat " say it without laughing. The cat may try this, the selected player by grimaces hiss, meow, or to bring fun, feline movements laugh. However, it did have to stay on the ground and in the role of a hangover and can not talk. It is also prohibited for the hangover to tickle the elect. All other players are allowed to comment on the two active game ends.

Manages the cat not to bring the selected players laugh, he must choose another player and try it at this again. Bring the cat a selected player but laugh, or the chosen one can not pronounce clearly "Poor black cat " (because of the suppressed laughter ), so this is the new hangover.

From the rules, there are different variations.
