Porta Pia

Porta Pia is a gate in the Aurelian Walls in the Italian capital Rome, named after the principal Pope Pius IV It was built in 1561-1565 by Michelangelo, as a replacement for a few hundred meters south location Porta Nomentana, which closed at the same time been.

Some meters northwest of the door broke the Bersaglieri on September 20, 1870, the Wall, marched into Rome and thus completed the unification of Italy. There is now a memorial Karte41.9100612.49997: At this point ( Breccia di Porta Pia Italian). Prior to the Porta Pia today is a monumental memorial to a Bersagliere. Therefore, the Historical Museum of the Bersaglieri is now in side rooms of the city gate.

At the Porta Pia the anti-fascist activist Gino Lucetti on September 11, 1926 threw a bomb on the car, where Benito Mussolini was sitting, but missed his target.
