Predatory fish

Predators are predators that feed on fish ( Fischprädation ) and other fast prey.

The prey of predatory fish are aquatic animals that are not just tiny in relation to fish and can quickly escape: besides fish for example, squid, crabs and Higher amphibians, in the youth phase, dragonflies and beetles larvae. Most predators are lurking predators who wait hidden or camouflaged prey. Fish that feed on plant food or slow prey and plankton filter feeders are, however, referred to as coarse fish.

Predators occur both in fresh and in salt water. Examples of freshwater predatory fish are pike (Esox ) and catfish ( Silurus ) as well as many trout (Salmonidae ) and Perciformes ( Perciformes ). Predatory fish in the ocean include sharks ( Selachii ), marine perch- like the barracuda ( Sphyraena ) and mackerels and tunas ( Scombridae ).
