Prenatal and perinatal psychology

When birth is called a shock in connection with a birth or a new beginning of another kind that has occurred, dramatic experience. The term " traumatic primal experience " is used interchangeably in the literature. The term is also used in astrology use.

Shock birth of the child

The French gynecologist Frédérick Leboyer assumes that the shock birth of a child can be mitigated by a so-called " gentle birth " (birth in a comfortable environment possible for the parturient and the child ). Some sources estimate also assumes that the newborn is born in a high-tech hospital, would experience an increased shock at birth.

Birth shock of the mother

In particular, the birth of the first child is perceived by the mother as a dramatic experience. An essential importance is attached to the physical pain. If in the mother thus have been a lasting trauma, a work-up of the experience is necessary, especially in regard to dealing with further births.

Birth shock of stakeholders

The term is in popular literature use when witnessing a birth, for example, is experienced by the child's father or other trusted persons as psychologically traumatizing. Blood, medical equipment, etc., and their own uncertainty in the situation can be experienced as frightening.
