President Lincoln's Cottage at the Soldiers' Home

President Lincoln and Soldiers 'Home National Monument or President Lincoln 's Cottage at the Soldiers ' Home is a memorial of the type of National Monuments in Washington, DC. It was established in 2000 by President Bill Clinton and is named after renovations in February 2008 for the public accessible. The memorial is managed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, in conjunction with the Armed Forces Retirement Home, and with advice from the National Park Service.


The house in the Victorian Gothic Revival architecture attributable style was built 1842/43 for the banker George Washington Riggs. In 1851 it became part of the newly established Armed Forces Retirement Home, a retirement home for homeless and disabled veterans of the Mexican -American War of 1846-48. It is located on a hill about 5 km north-east of the White House between two cemeteries honor of the U.S. Army.

James Buchanan was the first president to use the house in the summer as an official residence, to escape the oppressive climate in the valley of the Potomac River. His successor, Abraham Lincoln continued the tradition and spent the summers of 1862-64 in the building. The future President Rutherford B. Hayes and Chester A. Arthur took the cottage.

The building is now mainly dedicated to the memory of Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation because he designed here, the document on the abolition of slavery in the United States.
