President of Rhodesia

The President of Rhodesia was the nominal head of state of the Republic of Rhodesia 1970-1979. Just as the state was the head of state not recognized internationally. The Republic had no presidential system of government, the President took more true representation tasks. A total of four people exercised the office.

Rhodesia was created by white settlers who emigrated from the UK, who formed the colony of Southern Rhodesia. During this time, has always been the British monarch the head of state. On November 11, 1965, the Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith unilaterally called from independence. Elizabeth II remained the head of state. It was represented by the Governor-General, Sir Humphrey Gibbs. On instruction from the mother country, he dismissed the cabinet Smith. Smith did not accept this and replaced the position of Governor-General by the " Officer Administering the Government". Served in this office of the Deputy Prime Minister Clifford Dupont.

Ian Smith was planning from Rhodesia to make a Commonwealth realm. Elizabeth II should be Queen of Rhodesia. Later he changed his mind. After a referendum under the white voting population in 1969, a republic was proclaimed in 1970. Dupont went to the office of President. His successor, John Wrathall died in performance of his duties in 1978. In 1979, the first time took the black majority in the government. The Republic of Zimbabwe - Rhodesia was proclaimed and Josiah Zion Gumede went to the office of President. But this state was not recognized internationally.

By 1970, the British monarch was represented by the Governor-General. Gibbs remained in Salisbury. Internationally, he was still regarded as the representative head of state. Gibbs gave up his post on June 24, 1969 and left Rhodesia. By 1979, the office remained vacant. Following the Lancaster House Agreement, Lord Soames was the last Governor of Rhodesia until independence on 18 April 1980.
