Presidential Order on Rank Designation and Uniform of Soldiers

With the arrangement of the Federal President on the grade names and the uniform of the soldiers ( BPräsUnifAnO ) regulates in Germany, the Federal President, the grade names and the principles of rank insignia and appearance of the uniforms of the Bundeswehr.

For this purpose, the array is divided into two articles:

The article 1 defines the rank titles of officers ( Section I ), NCOs ( Section II ) and teams ( Section III).

The Article 2 defines the basic look of the uniforms of the Bundeswehr in two paragraphs:

  • Paragraph 1, of the General characteristics and their carrying method ( Section I ), the suit types (Section II) and the rank insignia (Section III) generally regulates, and
  • Paragraph 2, which transfers to the Federal Minister of Defence, the further refinement of the uniforms of the soldiers - of this implemented in the central regulation 37/10 " dress code for the soldiers of the Bundeswehr".