
" Prestegjeld " designated a geographical and administrative area of the Norwegian Church (Den norske kirke ). A Prestegjeld consisted mostly of several communities ( in Norwegian called " Sogn " as the smallest administrative unit ), you can also just from a larger Sogn exist and is a Provost ( norw prosti ) subordinate. It thus corresponds approximately to a German church circle.

In a Prestegjeld there are usually several parishes ( chaplains ), which administratively a parish priest ( or sogneprest sokneprest ) are assumed. Other employees of a municipality are Prestegjeld catechists ( norw kateket ), deacons and Kantore available to all municipalities in the Prestegjeld available.

In 2005, Norway had 613 Prestegjeld 1296 Sogn.

Since 2004, the name Prestegjeld ran out as an administrative unit of the Norwegian Church, it is no longer used today. The Norwegian Church is now organized in different Sogn as the basic unit and the pastors are employed in a " prostitution " instead of Prestegjeld.
