Primero River

The Río Suquía, also Río Primero, is a river in central Argentina.

The name Río Suquía comes from the language of the Comechingones Indians, while the name Río Primero ( German: First River ) comes from the Spaniards who colonized the area of central Argentina from north to south and therefore all major rivers, they encountered simply numbered.


The tributaries of the Río Suquía rise in the Sierras de Córdoba ( main tributaries: Río San Antonio and Rio Cosquín ). From the reservoir Lago San Roque (31 ° 22 '30 " S, 64 ° 28 ' 0 " W - 31.375 - 64.466666666667 ) at the confluence of these two rivers, the river takes its name, and crosses the Sierra Chica, the towns of La Calera, Córdoba, Capilla de los Remedios, Río Primero and Santa Rosa de Rio Primero to eventually empty into the endorheic lake Laguna Mar Chiquita.

  • River in Argentina
  • River in South America