Prince Aly Khan

Solomone Ali Aga Khan, also known as Aly Khan, ( born June 13, 1911 in Turin, Italy, † May 12, 1960 in Saint- Cloud, France ) was a Pakistani prince.

The son of Aga Khan III. was from 1958 to 1960 Pakistani ambassador to the United Nations in New York and Vice President of the UN General Assembly. His eldest son Karim Aga Khan IV, the current leader of the Ismailis.


In 1949, he and Rita Hayworth married. The end of 1951, when the couple had already separated, a documentary was released under the title Champagne Safari on their second honeymoon. The marriage was finally divorced in 1953. On 12 May 1960 crashed Prince Aly Aga Khan fatal near the French Racecourse St. Cloud was driving his Lancia, when he collided with an oncoming car. The prince had his chauffeur relegated to the back seat because he wanted to drive himself. The chauffeur and the pregnant fiancée of Prince survived the accident.

The Mausoleum of Aly Khan is in the Ismaili city Salamiyya in Syria. There is a tomb ( Qubba ) was established in 1972, the final burial ceremony took place.
