Prince Rahotep

Rahotep was a prince of the ancient Egyptian 4th dynasty (Old Kingdom). He was a son of King (Pharaoh) Sneferu, his mother is unknown. During his father's reign, he held several high offices, including that of the High Priest of Re at Heliopolis.


Rahotep was married to Nofret, a high official of the royal court. The couple had three sons named Djedi, Itu and Neferkau, and three daughters named Mereret, Nedjemib and Sethtet. These children are occupied exclusively by naming opportunities in the grave of Rahotep.


Rahotep part of the mastaba 6 on the so-called " North Mastaba Field ", north of the first pyramid of his father Sneferu in Meidum. The mastaba is of brick and has two separate grave spaces. In Room A Rahotep was buried, in Room B his wife Nofret.


As Auguste Mariette in 1871 dug up the Mastaba of Rahotep, he found two life-sized, perfectly preserved statues of Rahotep and Nofret. Both are now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The two persons are sitting displayed on white armchairs, play their backs in black font name and title of the owner. The statue of Rahotep is 121 cm and the Nofret 122 cm high. Rahotep is wearing only a short skirt and wears around his neck a simple chain. A special individuality is awarded his statue by Rahotep is shown here with a relatively rare in Egyptian art reproduced mustache. Nofret is wrapped in a thin, shoulders uncovered transmitting cape. She wears around her neck an ornate collar and on her head a wig. Especially lifelike statues both act through the fine detailing of the eyes, in which the iris of quartz and the eyeball is inserted in alabaster.
