Print job

As the print job is called a job to create a printed product. This order can be made at a print shop or from one computer system to a printer ( peripheral) are conducted.


A print job containing at least the information on the content (text ), and the basic layout of the desired final product. Naturally, a print job may comprise a variety of other attributes, such as the quantity to be printed, the paper or other medium to be used as logos and images to be used also.

While the printed matter must not fundamentally different, but so are the forms of commissioning of a person or institution to a commercial printer is fundamentally different from that of a computer to a connected printer. A few years ago the translator was responsible for the implementation of the ideas of the client, which, however, has largely changed with the proliferation of computers. Regardless of the form of the contract awarded, the customer requests are handled in the so-called pre-press is created by using computer, verified in a test print and pass a pressure system or the actual printing after being released nowadays.


The award of the contract is to be distinguished, depending on whether it is manually transferred to a printer or typesetter, media designers and professionals equivalent OR if it is sent from a computer by means of data transfer protocols to an automatic pressure system.


The customer shall submit to the specialist of his evidence, transcripts and sketches, diagrams, photographs, and describes the counselor application and planned distribution of the product. Quite often he will wish to refer here to role models and examples. The task of the expert is now to identify with the client the possibility of realization and to bring the budget or budget in line. For this purpose he uses templates and references to the customer illustrate the possible outcome.

More complicated work and long runs, the designer will create a test print and have it countersigned by the principal. Especially in the integration of images of different origin and quality scans or brought such action is mandatory.

As part of the award of the contract are necessarily the quantity and quality of the print media as well as revised text and content set. In addition, in most cases (main) font and cut as well as ink and thickness vote.


Mechanical - computer-based created in this sense - print jobs are much more restrictive in the form. To ensure a clean output, computer and printer have to agree on a protocol and not skip this. All elements to be printed have already be in the form of electronic data and are assembled with the appropriate software from the server.

In the simplest and most primitive form of characters to be printed in a known two systems character set encoded and transmitted sequentially. The first possibility was beyond the printer control via special printer languages ​​, such as Epson or IBM Proprinter ESCP2. These protocols, for many other companies started emulations, besides the pure representation of information control also has the distinction of writing sections with different attributes; including font and font size, italics, such as bold, italic and underlined as well as other pressure-dependent system options for customization of the expression.

Ultimate and today are mainly used page description languages ​​such as the widely used PostScript, covering not only all font attributes are to be controlled, but advanced forms of placement and design elements of text possible. With Color scripts ultimately quality prints are possible, the lift created by desktop publishing systems, print pages to a professional level.

  • Printing Techniques