Process modeling

A process model of organizing a process of formative production in various structured sections, which in turn are associated with the organization of such methods and techniques. Task of a process model is to describe the tasks and activities in a sensible logical order generally occurring in a design process. With its stipulations process models are organizational tools used for specific tasks (projects) individually adjusted ( tailoring) can be and are, and the reconciliation as such in the concrete planning of measures.

Different authors propagate a wide variety of process models. These vary on the one hand in the number and importance of distinct phases, on the other hand with regard to their area of ​​application. Thus, process models for intensive innovations (especially in software development, see process model for software development) and change projects (→ Change Management ) are used. Common to all process models is the step-wise path from problem to solution, and their systematic rational approach ( as opposed to trial and error, see decision-making style ). The individual phases are ideal types. In practice it is often necessary to proceed iteratively and " jump back ". Phase -oriented milestones to minimize the risk and cost of failure.

With a correspondingly extended models - in addition defined activities, phases and methods - even (depending Activity) determines which results are to be achieved, what requirements must be met, who can be involved in processing what role etc.

In contrast to a process model, which is considered, ie time-limited projects, a course of conduct or a code of conduct (English code of conduct ) is a collection that defines certain acts for an unlimited time and possibly sanctioned, for example, in connection with the equality ( english equal treatment). Another variant for procedure rules are business process models in which, for valid business processes, also the procedure is defined.

Current process models

Newer process models, such as the V -Modell XT, allow a continuous iteration of requirements in accordance with the inevitable resulting in the processing progress of knowledge and the continuous feedback from the users already in the pilot implementation.

In contrast to the classical phase model after Grochla only activities and outcomes are defined, for example, in the V- Modell XT today and no strict chronological sequence. In particular, the typical reductions that define a period at the end missing.

The appropriate in each case for a system implementation process model must be chosen to match the initial conditions, and the development methodology.

Historical roots

The Erwin Grochla (1982 ) developed and first for public administrations and public bodies, and the obtaining of data processing systems and application programs (see also Supplementary conditions of contract for the procurement of IT services ( EVB -IT) ) procedures specified model (see also V model) differed in tighter separation following phases:

  • Preliminary investigation
  • Actual recording
  • Is criticism
  • Target concept - solution generation
  • Target concept - solution evaluation and selection
  • Introduction / implementation
  • Evaluation and development.

The for both parties plenty rigid concept ( waterfall model ) has overtaken not least because of the complex dynamics of change processes.

Preliminary investigation

The preliminary investigation (also called pilot study, Eng. Feasibility study ) is a problem solving cycle in miniature. In this phase it is important to define the problem accurately ( What should be changed? What are the objectives? ), The opportunities and risks of a change process to assess ( Cui bono? With what support and what resistance is to be expected? ) And the available to review existing resources ( is there enough capacity management and budget available? ) In the preliminary study was to develop a rough idea of a possible solution. At the end of the preliminary investigation is the decision to continue or abort the process. ( Go / No Go decision).

Actual recording

The actual recording serves to the recognition of the current state of the object from as many angles. Time and cost of the actual recording may be reduced by the clever use of existing data (secondary survey). The secondary survey can also be usually performed without disturbing the examination system. After a secondary survey of the use of the well-stocked toolbox of empirical social research, the primary survey of the survey to observation is recommended for more accurate understanding.

Is criticism

The actual criticism is the analysis and evaluation of the collected data. The underlying causes of the identified weaknesses to be worked out, so that not only symptoms to be treated. Science has developed a rich arsenal of methods and techniques for problem analysis of test questions (5W - Why Why ... Why? ) Extends to modeling using systemic approaches. May enforce the new findings an adaptation of the goals.

Target concept: Solution Generation

The next phase is divided into two steps: solution generation and selection. Analogous to the evolution distinguish between a phase of variation in which the solution space is as far open (target: many different types of solutions ), and a phase of selection, for which these solutions to the situation best suited (survival of the fittest ) solution are reduced. The separation of these phases promotes on the one hand the creativity and analytical rigor on the other side.

In the phase of the solution generating creativity is the key factor. The creativity techniques developed for this purpose are divided into intuitive ( such as brainstorming ) and systematic (such as the morphological analysis). Intuitive techniques rely on the happy association, the heuristic power of the unconscious and spontaneous. Systematic techniques rely on method and logic to completely cover the space of possibilities ( tertium non datur ). Result of the phase of the solution generation are as many different, new solutions.

Target concept: solution evaluation and selection

The solution evaluation and selection involves two aspects. On one hand, a methodical, objective as possible and comprehensible assessment and often subjective political choice. To improve the solution quality, corsets help methods which promote the transparency of the criteria and their characteristics. Thus, in the cost-benefit analysis, a third party review the current balance and distribution point for consistency. Sensitivity analysis to analyze the stability of the alternatives - sequence and thus help to identify critical factors. When choosing it is the circle of decision makers to define and the method of selection. This has a major impact on the acceptance in the implementation.

Introduction and implementation

The introduction and implementation (English roll- out, implementation ) sets the selected solution into practice. The implementation strategy shall define the scope (Pilot, Part area, overall organization ), the conversion direction and actors (bottom-up, top-down, Sideways ), specify the type (progressive, bombing ) and the schedule ( episodes, duration, speed). It is important to ensure a good fit between launch strategy and organization. Change -resistant organizations need more time to adapt. The aim of the implementation is a high level of acceptance and durability of the new rules. The organization has to find its new equilibrium ( Refreeze in the Lewin terminology). For example by ensuring that all stakeholders are familiar with the new rules.

Evaluation and development

The evaluation is designed to monitor the change process and its outcome. Has it worked? You may have to make adjustments. Depending on the environmental dynamics of the processes are systematically develop. With the advancement of the procedural model gets iterative nature, by the end of a process leads to a different, new change process.

Possible software support

Process models are generally in the form of documents (books, manuals, methods, manuals, etc. ) before whose contents are recorded visually by the professionals working with them people - in paper form or electronically. Through the use of software development tools, however, process models can be used later integrated by the software - for example, offers the following support - after transfer of the model in the concrete project planning:

  • Detection and display of the status of activities (open, done)
  • Assignment of activities to persons ( responsible, involved)
  • Assigning created documents to individual activities
  • Provision of document patterns each result type
  • Calling individually provided tools

This kind of tools is counted for project management software.
