Project Blue Earth SOS

Project Blue Earth SOS (Japanese Project BLUE地球SOS Project BLUE Chikyu SOS ) is a Japanese anime series, which was released as a 6-part OVA. The series is based on some drawings of the science fiction artist Shigeru Komatsuzaki, which he published in the 1940s.


In 1995, a new propulsion method, the G- reaction drive is tested. During this test, the aircraft is attacked and destroyed by rainbow-colored rays, reported the pilot James missing. Take five years at the station of the Metropolitan, the two guys Penny Carter and Billy Kimura another, where at the same time a new streamlined train with the G- reaction drive is to have its maiden voyage. Penny makes Billy points out that every time when a vehicle with a G - reaction drive began its maiden voyage, it disappeared shortly thereafter. In fact, the train in front of the astonished crowd disappears shortly thereafter in a rainbow-colored light. Billy and Penny then do some research and find out that aliens want to conquer the Earth.

Gradually, the two friends discover what is going on with the Baguanern how to call the aliens themselves to be. The brilliant Professor Steamson sought from the universe for extraterrestrial life and found out that there was no life except humans in space. So he cloned from his granddaughter Margaret, the Infabel, modified their genetic material so that they can also withstand extreme environmental conditions and sent them into space. There they found themselves in a space-time distortion, where they labored million years, which explains their technical superiority. However, the Infabel have degenerated through the many years in space and have returned to earth, they hope to be able to stop their process of dying here. However, the degeneration is with them already too far advanced when the death can not be prevented. So all die Baguaner except one, which has regressed to a baby. Margaret finally decides to stay with the baby and with the planet of Baguaner back to fly back into space. In the final scene can be Penny, who is in love in the course of events in Margaret, see it as he scans the universe by the planet of Baguaner and thus also to Margaret herself.


The OVA was released on 2 July 2006 to December 3, 2006, Tensai Okamura director was, for the animations was the studio ACGT responsible. In the Japanese television series which was broadcast on the television channel AT -X. Except in Japan, the series in North America by ADV Films and in Germany by Panini video was released on three DVDs.

Unlike in Japan, the series of Panini video was not published in six episodes, but each one has an episode divided into two, so that the German publication included 12 episodes.

