
Psammite (Greek: psámmos - sand ) the designation for medium clastic sedimentary rocks (corresponding largely a sandstone ) with grain sizes from 0.02 to 2 mm ( coarse silt to coarse sand). The term can be used irrespective of the material, ie not only to clastic silicate rocks ( siliciclastic ), but also for clastic carbonate rocks. The medium -grained starting material can thus consist originated from the mechanical destruction of other rocks or from components ( fossil fragments ). However, the term Kalkpsammit rather rarely used. In the Karbonatpetrographie it corresponds to a calcarenite.

In the case of a metamorphosis Psammite get the prefix meta, they will Metapsammiten as some types of mica schist.

In addition to the medium clastic psammite one fine clastic ( pelites ) and coarse clastic sediments differs ( Psephite ). Alternatively, the schema pelitic / psammite / Psephit naming sedimentary rocks according to particle size, the terms are applied mudstone / siltstone / sandstone / conglomerate or breccia. In the Karbonatpetrographie the term trio Lutit / arenite / Rudit is used for the description or naming of rocks on grain sizes much more common.
