Pseudomonas savastanoi

Olive branch with a by P. savastanoi -induced tumor.

Pseudomonas savastanoi, like all pseudomonads, a polar flagellated, rod-shaped, Gram- negative bacterium. P. savastanoi is counted for P. syringae complex according to the latest knowledge, accurate to the second genome species. P. savastanoi has many pathovars, of which the pathovar savastanoi pv the Tuberkelkrankheit the olive tree ( Olea europaea) triggers.


The scientifically correct name is subsp on the current view Pseudomonas syringae. savastanoi. For better understanding, and because the systematics of the species P. syringae in the last years has been constantly changing, the name of P. savastanoi is still the name used in most publications. P. savastanoi belongs to the second of nine Genomospezies, which make up the P. syringae complex. This complex was formed on the basis of DNA - DNA hybridization and multilocus typing, and serves the species to further subdivide. This is necessary because the relationships of over 50 different pathovars have not yet been clarified. So were actually the P. syringae pathovars glycinea, phaseolicola, and savastanoi merged into a new species P. savastanoi, which had to be revised again based on the latest results but


The pathovars of P. savastanoi are very host-specific and affected mainly woody plants, usually from the family of Oleaceae. The pathovar savastanoi pv affects Olea europaea and Mandevilla sanderi, the pathovar pv nerii has Nerium oleander as a host. Other plants that are infested by P. savastonoi, for example, privet ( Ligustrum vulgare), mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia ) and jasmine ( Jasminum ). Even with the pathovars, naming is not yet fully understood. For example, the pathovar that infects the olive tree, pv savastanoi pv and olea known as.


Tumorinduzierung is important for the production of indole-3- acetic acid, and cytokines.


Already about 300 BC, a disease has been described in olive trees, which leads to tumor formation, decreases the growth and reduces the harvest. The disease is known as Tuberkelkrankheit and for the first time in 1886, a bacterium was suspected as a trigger. Meanwhile, it is ensured that the growths that arise by hyperplasia and hypertrophy, caused by P. savastanoi pv savastanoi.
