
Puigpunyent ( Castilian Puigpuñent ) is one of 53 municipalities of the Spanish Balearic island of Mallorca. It counts 2010 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2013), of which in 2008, in 1398 lived in the eponymous capital. In 2006, the foreigners in the community was 18.7 % ( 305), the proportion of German population 5.2% (84).

Places in the municipality

The municipality Puigpunyent include the following villages:

  • Galilea ( 291/291 inhabitants)
  • Puigpunyent (1337/1398 inhabitants)
  • Son Serralta ( 69/74 people)

The inhabitants numbers in parentheses are from 1 January 2008. The first number indicates the inhabitants of the built-up areas where the second number the inhabitants of places including the addition to computing " scattered " population living outside the actual settlements. (Source: INE )
