
Pulla is a Finnish yeast cake that is eaten in Finland most coffee or tea. It is very similar to the Swedish kanelbulle. Often Pulla is awarded with Eistreiche the typical brown crust that is sprinkled with pearl sugar or almonds.


Many different Pullaformen are baked from the Pullateig, with different fillings or on different occasions. Some typical Pullaarten:

  • Pikkupulla, small Pulla, are the easiest Pullaart. They are baked in small round balls and often sprinkled with pearl sugar.
  • Laskiaispulla are traditionally baked on the occasion of the feast Laskiainen. It is shaped into balls and baked Pulla going to be cut open and filled with marzipan and / or jam and cream.
  • Voisilmäpulla, Butteraugenpulla. Here is a small depression in unbaked Pikkupulla top drilled, and filled it with butter and vanilla sugar. It looks then as if the Pulla an eye, hence the name.
  • Korvapuusti means slaps. The Pullateig is filled ausgewellt and sprinkle with cinnamon, sugar and butter, then rolled and cut the dough roll to snails. The surface is brushed with egg yolk and sprinkle with coarse sugar.
  • Omenapusu means apple kiss. Finger-thick circles are ausgewellt From the Pullateig, coated with apple sauce, folded in half and the edges firmly pressed. The Pulla have after the rising and baking resemblance to a kiss mouth, hence the name.
  • Piirakka also be made of Pullateig. Piirakka are palm-sized cakes that are filled for example with blueberries.
  • Bostonkakku Boston cake is made ​​of cinnamon buns, which are vertically placed in a round shape, until the cake is baked.
  • Finnish cuisine
  • Fine baked goods