
Known as the QarmaQ earth or sod hut was used by the Inuit since the time of their Thule ancestors until the 1950s mainly during the cold season as accommodation. They gave the QarmaQ Although usually the preference, however, lived in the winter, especially when traveling, often in an igloo (snow house). In summer, the Inuit lived in tents made ​​of animal skin sewn itself or canvas and went about in search of food.

The construction of a QarmaQ usually began in early August, when announcing the fall. For this purpose, first a depression in the ground was laid out and built a roof over frame system, large enough for single-room dwelling of a family. Lack this wood were mostly bones, whale bones preferably used. Shortly before the reference at the time of the first snowfall skins or canvas was stretched over the frame. This was covered with dry moss of the tundra, the women and children had been collected previously. Thereafter, a second strip of canvas was covered by the moss pad and attached to the frame. Winter snow, cut by men with long knives in snow blocks were, outwardly additional protection.

The outer casing was not only exposed to the weather, but occasionally also gnawed by predators. Since canvas was relatively expensive and difficult to obtain, the women had to repair it frequently without regard to the weather conditions. In contrast, the frame was usually the summer and could be again freshly made before next fall.

The interior of the Qarmaqs was illuminated and warmed by the flame of the Qulliq, one operated with moss wick and seal oil lamp stone bowl. In the back was the sleeping place, which was slightly elevated location and padded with Karibufellen.
