Quercus bicolor

White Oak ( Quercus bicolor)

The White Oak ( Quercus bicolor ) is a deciduous tree species in the genus of oaks (Quercus ). It got its name because of the different colors of the upper and lower sides of the leaves.


The White Oak is south of the Great Lakes native to the northeastern United States, added a small area in the south of the Canadian province of Quebec Réserve écologique Marcel -Raymond. It prefers the same locations as the pin oak (Quercus palustris ), ie locations with normal and moderately dry soils near rivers.

The tree is hardy only to about minus fifteen degrees Celsius. Therefore, suffered eg in winter of 1996 at 22 to 23 degrees below zero, the two-colored oak trees in the mountain garden of Hannover frost damage.


The White Oak reached a tree a plant height 12-25 meters. The bark is dark brown to black. Typical of this species are grown in a zigzag branches. The White Oak is a decidious plant; the obovate shaped leaves are dark green on top, while the underside is silvery white due to dense pubescence. The leaf margins are lobed irregular. The oval acorns are usually in pairs; they are about 2.5 cm long. The White Oak grows very slowly and reached after 65 years only a height of only 21 meters.
