Rabbit's Moon

  • Claude Revenant ( Harlequin ), André Soubreyran ( Pierrot ), Nadine Valence ( Columbine ).

Rabbit's Moon is an avant-garde short film by Kenneth Anger from the year 1950.


" Rabbit's Moon" is a poetic story about the mime Pierrot who longs both after the close of the moon as well as the pretty Columbine, but both is unattainable away for him. Only with the discovery of a " magic lamp " (symbol for the medium of film ) the main character seems to be rescued from their complete destruction.


The film lasts 7 minutes and is in color, the color image is fully colored blue. The film is based on the mime and Kabuki theater. The title refers to the Japanese belief that the moon is a rabbit lives (instead of a man ). Title theme of the film is: It Came in the Night by Andy Arthur. 1972 and 1979 produced two more versions, each with different soundtracks. Starring: Claude Revenant ( Harlequin ), André Soubreyran ( Pierrot ), Nadine Valence ( Columbine ).
