Rabenberg (Ore Mountains)

Old Raven Mountain ( around 2001 )

The Raven Mountain is a 913 m high mountain range in the Ore Mountains between Johann George Town and width Brunn near the border with the Czech Republic. We distinguish between the Front and the Back Mountain Raven, which together form a wooded area of ​​about three miles in diameter. The scattered settlement on the Raven Mountain is a district of width Brunn.


The massif consists mainly of granite, next tourmalines, stain - and fruit -schist, quartzite and amphibolites occur. An extensive body of an old man on a slope is formed from Andalusitglimmergestein, quartz, lithium, feldspar, topaz, and contains small amounts of tin and silver. Smaller deposits of shale and pyrite have been discovered. Tin ores and silver-bearing rocks were mined in the 18th and 19th centuries for the purpose of metal extraction.

Flora and Fauna

Beech, fir and spruce are the dominant forest trees on the Raven mountain massif. The following animals were frequently observed on Raven Mountain: black - brown squirrels, crossbills, woodpeckers, owls and little owls, nutcrackers, jays, finches, chickadees, robins, kinglets, cuckoo, buzzard. An insect ants, spiders and butterflies occur.


Already in the early modern period prevailed in the vicinity of the mountain brisk tin and iron ore mining in the 18th century, the presence of at least 66 mines was documented. It is worth mentioning that some of the then important mines ( ' Reiche Zeche ', ' Valerian ', ' Aaron ', ' Friedrich August studs ') were operated by unions. The remaining pits ( like ' passover treasure trove ', ' Wolfgang ', ' Red Colliery ', ' Helene studs ', ' Good Friday happiness ') were self Lehnern; So miners who had leased the mine and worked at his own salary.

In the context of uranium mining in the Wismut originated in 1948 on the plateau of the same name Bergarbeitersiedlung Raven mountain, which today houses a sports park.

On the rear Rabenberg stood until 1846 Preiß the house with the house Preiss book.

Way up the mountain and the surrounding area

The Raven Mountain can be reached by road from Brunn width of. For hikers more than one way of Breitenbrunn, Erlabrunn and Johann George town on the mountain. Some of the trails remember with their popular name ( ' Heuschuppenweg ', ' Tränktrögel ', ' soldiers Brunn ') to reference points or transmitted reports.

The actual summit is wooded and has no view. In its vicinity the gallows wing leads to the southeast for migrant border crossing at the sky meadow. From here trails lead after half a mile, Rozhraní and Mount Hotel Red Fox in Podlesí.
