Rabiatou Sérah Diallo

( Hadj ) Rabiatou Serah Diallo ( born 1950 ) is the Secretary General of the Guinean trade union Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs de Guinée.

Diallo was first elected in 2000. Within a few years Rabiatou Serah Diallo has developed the former state union CNTG to an institution of civil society in Guinea and to put them on the front face of the movement against the dictatorial ruling President Lansana Conté. In May 2006, she returned after a long absence returned to Guinea. Shortly after their return, a woman named Kanfy Camara was murdered. Since Kanfy Rabiatou Camara Diallo looked very similar to a car of the same type as she went and lived in her neighborhood, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions is assumed that this woman an assassination attempt fell victim, who was Diallo.

Rabiatou Serah Diallo played a leading role in the general strike in February 2007 in Guinea, through which a political agreement with Lansana Conté was forced. On 22 February 2007 she was arrested along with other trade unionists, but released after a short time due to international pressure.

Approximately one year after the military had taken control of Guinea, Diallo was appointed as Deputy Prime Minister of the transitional government under Jean- Marie Doré. The new government should grant the transition to democracy in Guinea.
