Radio Havana Cuba

Radio Habana Cuba ( RHC ) is the official international radio stations from Cuba.


The broadcast of the program began in 1961, two years after the Cuban revolution. The geographical proximity to the U.S. the station was from the beginning an important role in the socialist propaganda. During the Cold War RHC sent in addition to the normal program also propaganda from North Vietnam, North Korea and the Soviet Union.

In the 60 - years with the Radio Free Dixie RHC program tried to incite protests against discrimination against the black population. In the 80 - years, the United States responded to this action with Radio Martí, an anti -Castro radio, broadcasting from the United States to Cuba.


Currently airing RHC as well as Radio Rebelde Cuba News, Cuban music, sports programs, and especially political comments that reflect the views of the Cuban governance under President Raul Castro. The vast airtime is sent in Spanish, one hour per day program sends RHC in English. In Europe, RHC is to receive every day for two hours.
