Rafael Freyre

21.029166666667 - 75.993888888889Koordinaten: 21 ° 2 ' N, 76 ° 0' W

Rafael Freyre is a municipality in the north of the Cuban province of Holguín. The town of the same name Rafael Freyre, the administrative seat of Municipalities, is also known under the name of Santa Lucía. Dominating the city is the same sugar mill Rafael Freyre.

In about 5 km north of the town of Bahía de Bariay Christopher Columbus landed in 1492 on his first voyage to the New World to a settlement of the Arawak (indigenous people of Cuba ) to investigate. Previously, he had only visited an uninhabited island in the Bahamas today.

The following locations are part of the municipality of Rafael Freyre (Santa Lucía, administrative headquarters ), Fray Benito, Melones, Potrerillos, Bariay, Juan Cantares, La Ceiba.

Antilla · Báguanos | Banes | Cacocum | Calixto García | Cueto | Frank País | Gibara | Holguin | Mayari | Moa | Rafael Freyre | Sagua de Tánamo | Urbano Noris

  • Municipality in the province of Holguín